The Aldi Special Buys aisle is really heating up

FormalMango FormalMango
123 0 0

Oh Temu, never change.

Oh Temu, never change.

Challenge Accepted

Challenge Accepted



“Dog house”

“Dog house”



sad coom

sad coom

Ah yes, the concubus. One hell of a switch...

Ah yes, the concubus. One hell of a switch...



I'm not gunna Raichu a love song...

I'm not gunna Raichu a love song...

There are two doms inside you...

There are two doms inside you...

I feel very seen right now

I feel very seen right now



Sign me up

Sign me up

I’m judging you heavily

I’m judging you heavily

It’s a power up

It’s a power up

So my bf send me this

So my bf send me this

I feel seen, but also this is hilarious.

I feel seen, but also this is hilarious.

It's true

It's true

With consent

With consent

The magic words

The magic words

Hey Sport 🥴

Hey Sport 🥴

Anyone else ever had a chuckle at work about something sounding kinkier then it actually is? For me it's every time someone talks about Master/Slave configuration.

Anyone else ever had a chuckle at work about something sounding kinkier then it actually is? For me it's every time someone talks about Master/Slave configuration.

Normies be like:BdSm Is AlL AbOuT PaIn Reality:

Normies be like:BdSm Is AlL AbOuT PaIn Reality: