
SaintRidley SaintRidley
1375 0 4

Sometimes this is what vein a switch is all about

Sometimes this is what vein a switch is all about

This is what happened the one time the bottoms in my polycule tried to unionize

This is what happened the one time the bottoms in my polycule tried to unionize

Gentle femdom gf

Gentle femdom gf

Shaming vanilla sex

Shaming vanilla sex



Practice safe sex

Practice safe sex

Like your investment portfolio, it’s important to diversify your kink portfolio

Like your investment portfolio, it’s important to diversify your kink portfolio

Can’t breathe

Can’t breathe

i’mma just leave this here 👀👀

i’mma just leave this here 👀👀



I'm not gunna Raichu a love song...

I'm not gunna Raichu a love song...

There are two doms inside you...

There are two doms inside you...

I feel very seen right now

I feel very seen right now



I feel seen, but also this is hilarious.

I feel seen, but also this is hilarious.

It's true

It's true

With consent

With consent

The magic words

The magic words

Hey Sport 🥴

Hey Sport 🥴

Anyone else ever had a chuckle at work about something sounding kinkier then it actually is? For me it's every time someone talks about Master/Slave configuration.

Anyone else ever had a chuckle at work about something sounding kinkier then it actually is? For me it's every time someone talks about Master/Slave configuration.

Normies be like:BdSm Is AlL AbOuT PaIn Reality:

Normies be like:BdSm Is AlL AbOuT PaIn Reality:

Bored at work, making memes on my lunch

Bored at work, making memes on my lunch

Well-behaved bottoms rarely make history

Well-behaved bottoms rarely make history