Just letting some light in :)

darcisky2 darcisky2
1130 0 16

Checking my computer

Checking my computer

It’s so nice out I could finally start my gardening!

It’s so nice out I could finally start my gardening!

Cleaning the bathroom

Cleaning the bathroom

Just loving on my kitty

Just loving on my kitty

Making my protein smoothie!

Making my protein smoothie!

Pouring my coffee

Pouring my coffee

Enjoying some time reading

Enjoying some time reading

Putting away my yoga gear

Putting away my yoga gear

Lint rolling the bed

Lint rolling the bed

Looking for a record to put on

Looking for a record to put on

Replacing the garbage bag

Replacing the garbage bag

Watering my plants :)

Watering my plants :)

Morning routine

Morning routine

Starting my day

Starting my day

Making my playlist before starting yoga

Making my playlist before starting yoga

Turning on the lamp

Turning on the lamp

Hitting the bong

Hitting the bong

I’ll do all the house chores naked

I’ll do all the house chores naked

The laundry is never done

The laundry is never done

Making dinner

Making dinner

Reaching to the back of the fridge

Reaching to the back of the fridge

A hot dish out the oven

A hot dish out the oven

Watering some plants

Watering some plants