I love showing off my tiny tits 😊

highelfhill highelfhill
49 0 6

Would you rather~ only be able to cum on my face🤤 or my boobs🍒?

Would you rather~ only be able to cum on my face🤤 or my boobs🍒?

✨Itty bitty elf titties✨

✨Itty bitty elf titties✨

Do you think I’d look better if they were bigger?

Do you think I’d look better if they were bigger?

Lick, squeeze or suck??

Lick, squeeze or suck??

I love them small and ready for your load

I love them small and ready for your load

I tried to go bra shopping but none of the stores I went to had any that were small enough 😭

I tried to go bra shopping but none of the stores I went to had any that were small enough 😭

Flat as a board 😩

Flat as a board 😩

Kinda glad I got little boobs, big ones just wouldn’t look right on my tiny body

Kinda glad I got little boobs, big ones just wouldn’t look right on my tiny body

Someone told me I’m gross cuz I have the body of a teenage boy 😣 maybe I should just get implants 😫

Someone told me I’m gross cuz I have the body of a teenage boy 😣 maybe I should just get implants 😫

I’m trying to convince myself that I don’t need a boob job 😅

I’m trying to convince myself that I don’t need a boob job 😅

boobs flat as my stomach

boobs flat as my stomach

I might be small but that just means I’m funsized 😉

I might be small but that just means I’m funsized 😉

Just wanted to say hi 🤓 and I hope you’re having a great day 💖

Just wanted to say hi 🤓 and I hope you’re having a great day 💖

I wanted to show you what’s under my cozy pjs ☺️

I wanted to show you what’s under my cozy pjs ☺️

I may be tiny but you don’t need to be gentle 😈

I may be tiny but you don’t need to be gentle 😈

Soap up my tiny tits in the shower

Soap up my tiny tits in the shower

My tiny tits still make u hard 😈🍌

My tiny tits still make u hard 😈🍌

I’ll say it like it is: the light was nice and I’m in desperate need of a good fuck 💁🏼‍♀️

I’ll say it like it is: the light was nice and I’m in desperate need of a good fuck 💁🏼‍♀️

What do you think? Apparently I fit this sub (19)

What do you think? Apparently I fit this sub (19)

People actually like tiny boobs!?

People actually like tiny boobs!?

Oh hey

Oh hey

A big smile on my face and some cute petite tits for this fine Wednesday 😘👅💦 [pierced] [allsmiles] [f18]

A big smile on my face and some cute petite tits for this fine Wednesday 😘👅💦 [pierced] [allsmiles] [f18]

Are there really guys out there that like small boobs? Been feeling really insecure :(

Are there really guys out there that like small boobs? Been feeling really insecure :(