Historic r/AltBoobWorld : A one boob outfit, from late 19th or early 20th c.

bluesmoker bluesmoker
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Sir, following an embarrassing evening with Lord Napier, whereupon my ignorance of mathematics was much exposed, I have sought to further my scholarly knowledge. I may admit initial uncertainty, but with assistance from my servants I quickly learnt and un

Sir, following an embarrassing evening with Lord Napier, whereupon my ignorance of mathematics was much exposed, I have sought to further my scholarly knowledge. I may admit initial uncertainty, but with assistance from my servants I quickly learnt and un

Sir, The recent spate of turnips thrown upon my windows has abated, and I thought myself finally rid of the blaggard greengrocer. But upon investigating unusual sounds from the drawing room, I find new maid Effie sampling his wares. I ran the cove down th

Sir, The recent spate of turnips thrown upon my windows has abated, and I thought myself finally rid of the blaggard greengrocer. But upon investigating unusual sounds from the drawing room, I find new maid Effie sampling his wares. I ran the cove down th

Sir, All will be familiar to the perennial problem of maids serving port at cellar temperature, despite frequent correction. It is my delight therefore to note that new maids Myrtle and Tillie (who seem very close friends) do have a technique that serves

Sir, All will be familiar to the perennial problem of maids serving port at cellar temperature, despite frequent correction. It is my delight therefore to note that new maids Myrtle and Tillie (who seem very close friends) do have a technique that serves

Sir, having recently had Visitors and Noblemen comment upon the poor presentation of my estate and gardens, I went to see the head gardener. I found him, as he proclaimed. "Most busy". I sent the fellow back to mow the lawns, and out of the kindness of my

Sir, having recently had Visitors and Noblemen comment upon the poor presentation of my estate and gardens, I went to see the head gardener. I found him, as he proclaimed. "Most busy". I sent the fellow back to mow the lawns, and out of the kindness of my

Sir, This 21st June I did instigate a mummery play for my staff to perform, which did give them much joy and merriment. My maid Ada here played Titania, Queen of the Fairies, to great acclaim from the invited audience

Sir, This 21st June I did instigate a mummery play for my staff to perform, which did give them much joy and merriment. My maid Ada here played Titania, Queen of the Fairies, to great acclaim from the invited audience

Sirs (and Madames) I would like to welcome you all to r/GoneWanton 's re-opening night. There are fine wines and brandies, and a splendid stage show that my very own staff have been rehearsing for some days. Please make yourselves comfortable.

Sirs (and Madames) I would like to welcome you all to r/GoneWanton 's re-opening night. There are fine wines and brandies, and a splendid stage show that my very own staff have been rehearsing for some days. Please make yourselves comfortable.

Curious / ghostly hand (see comments for full text)

Curious / ghostly hand (see comments for full text)

Sir, having attended a talk at the Royal Society, I have set up a small apparatus upon a table in order to receive the newly discovered Hertzian Waves. My maid Molly assists me, and I note her physical placement greatly affects the etheric force. The illu

Sir, having attended a talk at the Royal Society, I have set up a small apparatus upon a table in order to receive the newly discovered Hertzian Waves. My maid Molly assists me, and I note her physical placement greatly affects the etheric force. The illu

Sir, my good friend Lord Presbury recently regaled me with tales of his trip to Bohemia, and a wonderful new tonic he obtained there. It has given him increased vigor and youth. Leaving the drawing room for barely 2 minutes I returned to a most extraordin

Sir, my good friend Lord Presbury recently regaled me with tales of his trip to Bohemia, and a wonderful new tonic he obtained there. It has given him increased vigor and youth. Leaving the drawing room for barely 2 minutes I returned to a most extraordin

Sir, My new maid Ada is employed under-rate - ('tis only proper for a new servant). But, as a considerate master, I have promised quadruple wages and a penny for coal if she can lick her fundamentals. She reports to me weekly with updates on her progress.

Sir, My new maid Ada is employed under-rate - ('tis only proper for a new servant). But, as a considerate master, I have promised quadruple wages and a penny for coal if she can lick her fundamentals. She reports to me weekly with updates on her progress.

Sir, as another of my servants is mysteriously With Child, I am forced to seek a new maid. On requesting particulars, I received a novel and most modern photographic presentation. I may take some little time studying their merits.

Sir, as another of my servants is mysteriously With Child, I am forced to seek a new maid. On requesting particulars, I received a novel and most modern photographic presentation. I may take some little time studying their merits.

r/WhyEvenWearAnything - antique edition

r/WhyEvenWearAnything - antique edition

Sir, In our modern times we must be aware of new risks to life for servants. I have recently read a most enlightening medical book showing treatments for those suffering from miasmas, electrical fluids or overwork. I have instigated practice sessions twic

Sir, In our modern times we must be aware of new risks to life for servants. I have recently read a most enlightening medical book showing treatments for those suffering from miasmas, electrical fluids or overwork. I have instigated practice sessions twic

Sir, Although I have had the mains water for several years now, I confess to preferring the taste from the Broad Street pump. I therefore send Dolores out twice a day with a large jug. As this is hot strenuous work, I have instructed her to wear simple, l

Sir, Although I have had the mains water for several years now, I confess to preferring the taste from the Broad Street pump. I therefore send Dolores out twice a day with a large jug. As this is hot strenuous work, I have instructed her to wear simple, l

Sir, I wish to place on record the most excellent service of my new maid, Sarah, a tall and well favoured wench. She is always most fastidious at extinguishing the candles before my family retire.

Sir, I wish to place on record the most excellent service of my new maid, Sarah, a tall and well favoured wench. She is always most fastidious at extinguishing the candles before my family retire.

WhyEvenWearAnything : Vintage edition

WhyEvenWearAnything : Vintage edition

Sir, upon visiting my philanthropist friend Dr Brownlee Dipper, I noted the sheer number of staff he employs. "It is a means out of poverty for them" said he. I at once rushed home and implemented his altruistic scheme. Here are 4 of my new maids, gainful

Sir, upon visiting my philanthropist friend Dr Brownlee Dipper, I noted the sheer number of staff he employs. "It is a means out of poverty for them" said he. I at once rushed home and implemented his altruistic scheme. Here are 4 of my new maids, gainful

r/AltBoobWorld retro edition : The late 1800's were a mixture of progress and romantic reflection on times past. Perhaps this dress was inspired by Agnès Sorel?

r/AltBoobWorld retro edition : The late 1800's were a mixture of progress and romantic reflection on times past. Perhaps this dress was inspired by Agnès Sorel?

The one boob dress was once a punk-like reaction to fashion. It is now very much mainstream, as this pretty summer dress and matching necklace shows!

The one boob dress was once a punk-like reaction to fashion. It is now very much mainstream, as this pretty summer dress and matching necklace shows!

WhyEvenWearAnything : antique edition

WhyEvenWearAnything : antique edition

Just one boob

Just one boob

Witches' Sabbat

Witches' Sabbat

Ya wanna ride, sailor?

Ya wanna ride, sailor?

A sunny day

A sunny day