First word that comes to mind is _____

Delicious_Delilah Delicious_Delilah
1184 0 209

Drunk and amused by myself

Drunk and amused by myself

Going to start blocking everyone who comments on posts by non-ssbbw's. 🥰

Going to start blocking everyone who comments on posts by non-ssbbw's. 🥰

Stop upvoting chicks who are barely a bbw let alone an ssbbw 🤨

Stop upvoting chicks who are barely a bbw let alone an ssbbw 🤨

95% of this video is ptetty great

95% of this video is ptetty great

This dress is probably huge on me now.

This dress is probably huge on me now.

If I sent you this while you were in the ICU would you make a full recovery or die immediately?

If I sent you this while you were in the ICU would you make a full recovery or die immediately?

I am very graceful

I am very graceful

McGriddle me this: I am heavenly and delectable, yet a sinful temptation. What I am?

McGriddle me this: I am heavenly and delectable, yet a sinful temptation. What I am?

Am I as round as I am tall? 🤔

Am I as round as I am tall? 🤔

"CaN i SeNd YoU nUdEs LiKe ThIS'

"CaN i SeNd YoU nUdEs LiKe ThIS'

My ex said aliens wouldn't probe me. Would you probe me? 🥺

My ex said aliens wouldn't probe me. Would you probe me? 🥺

I'm blue.

I'm blue.

Squeeze me

Squeeze me

How long would you last?

How long would you last?

Do you think this bikini is cute?

Do you think this bikini is cute?

Color coordinated

Color coordinated

I might stop posting here since I get more appreciation just posting to my profile. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I might stop posting here since I get more appreciation just posting to my profile. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Locker room vibes

Locker room vibes

I don't post here very often, but maybe I'll change that.

Every single time I take videos

Every single time I take videos

Over and under. How's the view?

I have loose skin, but you can't really tell

Communal Bathtub